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Mary Oliver reading three poems
Mary Oliver reads ‘Tom Dance’s Gift of a White Bark Pinecone,’ ‘Wild Geese,’ and ‘Peonies.’
Shoes, Socks, and Bare Feet in Dreams
One of the associations that always rings a bell for me when footwear or bare feet appear in my dreams is that this is about

Voting for Compassion
It heartened me that this country voted from a place of compassion this last election. Obama’s agenda leans more toward helping those in need of
Dream Mother
By Laura K. Deal (For Billie Ortiz) After the dark dream when the image lingers like an answer whose question is forgotten in the stark
Turtles and Tortoises
A giant tortoise recently appeared in my dream, the same night two foxes were hanging out with my cat. The tortoise part of the dream
The Milk of Millennia
By Rumi Translated by Coleman Barks I am part of the load Not rightly balanced. I drop off in the grass, like the old
Train on the Mountain
Here’s a dream I recently heard, and received permission from the dreamer to post it with my response. The dream: The center is the mountain.
After I posted my recurring dream motif of “packing to go home,” I had a dream in which I was about to check-in to a
Last Night as I Lay Sleeping
By Antonio Machado Translated by Robert Bly (with small emendations by Jeremy Taylor) Last night as I lay sleeping I dreamed – marvelous error!