Dream Symbols

What we learn from our dreams

When you explore the deeper meanings of your dreams, your waking life is enriched. Once a nightmare is unpacked, it loses its terror and reveals a gift. Dreams can warn of coming events or refer back to childhood. Even seemingly ordinary dreams come loaded with information that can deepen your understanding of unconscious patterns that shape your waking life.

Start by exploring symbols, and test what you find with your own intuition. Do you have an “aha” moment? Chills on your neck or arms? Even if you nod, thinking, “That’s interesting,” the information is worth paying attention to. Get curious about your dreams, and they will bring you more and more information.

Why do dreams seem so weird?

Dreams seem strange to our waking-life perspective because they speak in the language of symbols and metaphor. That way, each symbol can carry multiple meanings. Many of the meanings are universal, and resonate with dreamers all over the world. Familiarity with these universal meanings will deepen your understanding of your dreams. All symbols also carry personal associations, which a dream reader can help you find.

Dreams can warn of disease, bring stressors to light where they can be solved, and nudge us in the right directions.

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Image of cat tattoo on a forearm
Dream Symbols

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