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By Shirley Wilsey Too bad we can’t change the spelling Sensorship would be healthier If we paid attention to what we And other people were
Whale as a symbol
On Monday, I featured Brenda Ferrimani‘s painting of her dream “Whale Speaks.” Whales, as the largest mammal, and also very intelligent mammals, are complicated dream
Dream Garden
When you dig What do you find? The roots of life Piercing the soil. What do you find In the roots of your soul, Piercing
Baby as a symbol
As the new year begins, it seems fitting to write about “baby” as a dream symbol, since one of its symbolic meanings is the new
Haiku collection
Today I offer six haiku by Jaelynne Tolman. These weren’t written to be grouped together, but I like how they relate to one another. I

Windows and Glass
Windows show up regularly in the dreams I have and those I hear from others. Usually the reference is to looking through a window and
The Language of Metaphor
In school, we learn that a metaphor is a literary device like a simile, “a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of

In the Bleak Midwinter (Solstice Version)
In the bleak midwinter frosty wind makes moan, earth stands hard as iron, water like a stone; Snow has fallen, snow on snow, snow on

As a symbol, the lighthouse has a lot of power. It serves as a beacon for ships at sea, showing the edge of the land.