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The Moon
This weekend the moon waxed full, a bright circle in the night sky, a sign of wholeness. I get reminders every month of the full
The Fox at the Window
By Karen Deal Robinson It was in the month of May And the old folks they were ailing. We were worried and blue, didn’t know
Foxes in Waking Life and Dreams
One side effect of paying attention to the metaphors in dreams is noticing symbols and signs in waking life. Little synchronicities gain significance when they

The Poet’s Obligation
By Pablo Neruda (1904 – 1973) English version by Alistair Reed To whoever is not listening to the sea this Friday morning, to whoever is cooped
Blue in Dreams
When I dream of blue, it’s usually the color of cobalt glass, like the blue in Colleen’s photo. Certain associations have come up so often

Suicide and Transformation
One of the most disturbing metaphors that dreams employ is that of death. A friend recently wrote to me after a dream that his son
On Not Flying To Hawaii
By Alison Luterman I could be the waitress in the airport restaurant full of tired cigarette smoke and unseeing tourists. I could turn into the
The Other Wife with a Missing Right Arm
I let bibliomancy guide me to the dream symbol for this week. Not feeling inspired, I opened my dream journal at random to a dream
Filling the Well
Some days, tapping into creative expression feels like dowsing for water in a desert. I listen for that still, small voice, or the movie projector