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Clouds as a Metaphor
For many years, I’ve found great pleasure in photographing clouds, especially sunsets. This has become such a part of my life that it has shown
3-year-old reciting Litany
I get in the mood to watch this video by drchelpka from time to time–I love everything about it, especially that there are parents reading poetry
Childhood Dreams
By Shirley Wilsey The bad dream came again The giant with the axe He was chasing me All over the house In the dark corner
Bales of Hay Dream
A few days ago, a friend told me the following dream: I’m in my house and I look out and see a structure made of

On Runners
by Robert Evans When my daughter was two we set out to go sledding; first layers of sweaters and snowsuits until she was a small

Hair as a metaphor
When I was in my twenties, I had a dream that I was driving a big sedan in a deserted, urban street and parking lot,
Never Wear High Heels
Except once, when you’re twenty, and the world pulses in time with your heart and all lead singers have names like Danny and are too
Cars as a metaphor
Cars show up frequently in my dreams, and I’ve come to look at them in several ways: as a symbol of how I’m moving through
Interview with Natalie Sudman
Today I’m delighted to offer an interview with Natalie Sudman. We met in college, carried on a brief correspondence afterward, and then lost contact with