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Cielo Rojo
This is a powerful poem, with art by and read by the author, Maceo Montoya, from the site LATINOPIA WORD MACEO MONTOYA “RED SKY”
Red as a Metaphor
According to Jeremy Taylor (Dream Work, p. 29), when people report they dream only in black and white, and then they start dreaming in color,
The Shrinking Lonesome Sestina
By Miller Williams Somewhere in everyone’s head something points toward home, a dashboard’s floating compass, turning all the time to keep from turning. It doesn’t

Time and Clocks in Dreams
Last week I heard a dream featuring the symbols of time and a clock. So I was thinking about time when I saw Bill Boyd’s
We Astronomers
By Rebecca Elson We astronomers are nomads, Merchants, circus people, All the earth our tent. We are industrious. We breed enthusiasms, Honour our responsibility to
The Night Sky in Dreams
I’ve learned to pay attention to the quality of light in dreams as a clue to how conscious the problem or situation is that the
Nostalgia by Billy Collins
Thanks to Poetic Touch: Nostalgia by Billy Collins (1941-) Remember the 1340’s? We were doing a dance called the Catapult. You always wore brown, the
Dancing in Dreams
I’ve dreamed I was waltzing with a beloved dance teacher who passed away years ago, that I was setting up speakers to dance with extended

The Daffodils
By William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,