On January 15, 2023, at 3 p.m. Mountain Time, you can view the online premier of my presentation The Soul in Matter: Marion Woodman’s Journey to the Embodied Feminine. Tickets are free, but you have to register: https://www.humanitiesnd.org/event-details/chautauqua-chat-with-historical-figures-marion-woodman-and-carl-jung
Last December I was selected as one of the scholars in the Chautauqua Training Institute sponsored by a grant from Humanities North Dakota. Twelve scholars were chosen to learn from four amazing mentors. I’m developing a presentation as Marion Woodman, the Jungian analyst, workshop leader, and lecturer who popularized the importance of recognizing the Divine Feminine in our culture in order to heal ourselves and our relationship to the Earth. I’m grateful to her close family member who gave me her blessing to pursue this project. It has been quite a journey, diving deeply into her writings, listening to hours and hours of her recorded talks, interviews, and audiobooks, and watching the videos that were made of her lectures and interviews. In addition to developing a program to convey some of her astonishing experiences and insightful ideas, I have encountered my own psychological history and gained insights into my childhood experiences and the ways they have shaped my adult life. Sometimes I read a paragraph and have to put the book down and process the emotions and reactions that arise in my physical body as my consciousness wakes up to new realizations. I’m grateful for the support of my friend and dreamwork sister Billie Ortiz, for sharing so much of her personal library with me and helping me understand some of the dreams that have emerged as I’ve pursued this project.
I hope you’ll join me in viewing the presentations of the other Chautauqua Training Institute scholars as well:
Encountering the Natural World
January 8th, 2023 4pm CST Rachel Carson performed by Katie Knutson
January 9th, 2023 7pm CST Junko Tabei performed by Bowen Lee
January 10th, 2023 7pm CST Mardy Murie performed by Coral Conant Gilles
Encountering the Cultural World
January 15th, 4pm CST Marion Woodman performed by Laura Deal
January 17th, 7pm CST Carl Jung performed by Bruce Henderson
Encountering the Social World
January 29, 2023 4pm – Walt Whitman performed by Patrick Scully
January 30, 2023 7pm – Josiah Henson performed by Eric Robinson
January 31, 2023 7pm – Richard Wright performed by Darryl Wellington
Encountering the World of Work
February 5, 2023 4pm – Kasturba Gandhi performed by Roopa Mohan
February 6, 2023 7pm – Francis Perkins performed by Jarice Hanson
February 7, 2023 7pm – Michael Mooney performed by James Walsh